
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joy & 32 is a Good Combo

I had the blessing of my birthday being on a Sunday this year & it was such a wonderful morning of worship! Baptisms, praising Him through song, listening to His Word, fellowship...such sweetness to it! As I saw what my Pastor was preaching about this week, a smile couldn't help but creep across my face. Did he know & plan this?! (haha, no, but the Lord so KNOWS me!) Several others even commented on it, "Brandi, he preached "your thing!"
JOY. REJOICE. I will say it again, REJOICE. CHOOSE JOY.
For those that know me well...this is one of my life mantra's, something I believe in & live by. Something that I choose to do. I am not always wonderful at it & have to remind myself often of this choice that I have. But I love that I get that choice. And I love that when I choose to make that choice, it brings me closer to Jesus, closer to how I need look. When I choose joy, it allows me to make much of Him & what Christ did for me on the cross, the life I now live because of this undeserved act. This 32 years of life I got to celebrate today. And having it marked by such an awesome sermon all about joy-one of my favorite things-was such a blessing to me.
I was incredibly gifted with wonderful friends who went out of their way to think of me today, remember me, encourage me, love on me, spend time with me, say & do thoughtful life is richer because of them! Thank you dear friends!
And of course, my amazing husband...he blesses me so much, more than I deserve. He planned such a nice day & evening for me-got to hang out with him for all of it & that's just the way I like it. I'm ready to start this year of my life with joy as my focus. No matter what may come my way, good or bad, both can be faced with joy...because that depends on Jesus.

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