
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Here is a funny truth for you: I have turned out to be kind of a computer nerd. I spend A LOT of time in front of not one, but two computers & I actually enjoy it most of the time. Then came something I never suspected or guess would be my job in a million years. I was suddenly the "media girl" at the church...yes, in charge of anything video. Self-taught. Feeling completely inadequate at times, but all the while getting faster at editing & enjoying expanding my creativity through video & media.

So I recently read this one of my favorites & causes me to wait & ponder it for a moment as I evaluate my life:

"Yet even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments."

Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger,

and abounding in steadfast love..." Joel 2:12-13

There is so much I could say about those verses, but I love one of the main points: it's a heart matter, not a matter of how you look on the outside. We can look all calm, cool, collected, put together, & great on the outside, but what does my heart look like? That is a true reflection of who I am & my character. Do the 2 match up, or are they altogether different? What's the disconnect? And this can look different depending on the day or hour!!! Anyways, what really makes me stop when I read that verse is this word: REND. Render your heart. Here comes the tie-in with my computer & video nerdedom--EVERY time when I am finished editing a video...when I have cut, razored, transitioned...made this video how I want it, have made it absolutely as good as I can so the audience I am making it for will appreciate it & like it...I export the video. Then this box comes up, every time...I see it multiple times each week:

See it?! "Rendering Media..." While in the video world, I do my best to make a great video to present to my it renders, it is making it presentable. The passage in Joel says to "render my heart"--am I doing everything I can to best present my heart to the audience it was made for? My audience of One? What I am doing to rend my heart for the Lord & make it more presentable to please Him? I'm glad I have this reminder so often during my week--a reminder to examine my heart & see if I am just concerned about the "garment" or if I am truly presenting my heart to the Lord with excellence.


Lindsay said...

Yeah, I needed this today. My not-so-lovely attitude toward a ministry placement has had me in a funk. Clearly, I need to rend my heart and bring all of my cares and concerns to the One who knew in advance what I'd be doing this fall. Thanks for sharing this, B!

tnance said...

I love the way the Lord speaks to you! You have such a heart for Him and you are a true woman of God who listens & watches for Him. Thank you for this! So many times, especially lately, my heart hasn't been in tune with my outside. I need to get my heart in the right place, allow the Lord to put it in tune with His.