
Sunday, January 3, 2010

YOU Must Be Up to Somethin' Good

I have the privelege of teaching our high school girls Sunday School class each week (and middle school the last couple weeks too) & I know each week as I plan the lesson & teach that God had planned for me to learn from it too. In fact, I perhaps learn more than my girls do! The last couple weeks we have been in Daniel...talked about staying true to your convictions, even in the midst of persecution & questioning...even in a land that is not your home (they were in captivity), Daniel & the Lion's Den, then Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego in the Fiery Furnace...then this morning we talked about Daniel's prayer in chapter 9. We talked about prayer & a creative way to pray (A.C.T.S. prayer) & why each aspect is important, that we need to pray "we" prayers, not "me" was an awesome lesson on prayer. While I was teaching however, I thought back to the previous weeks. And in this chapter, Daniel & his friends are about to have something big, good go back home! I couldn't help but think...while God showed up huge...these boys went through much persecution, discouragement, impending death, name it. Then Daniel prayed...because God was about to do something big.
So I told my girls my personal testimony of the fact that when I go through these times of discouragement & frustration...and I am in tune with God & in His is because God must be up to something good. It's just a spiritual process the Lord takes me through now & then. Now is one of those times. Not that there are these catastrophic things going on in my life, but it's a spiritual battle & satan knows right where to target me...and he plays dirty. Whether it's in my own thought process, lies & negative thoughts about myself, busy-ness, questioning important relationships in my life, gossip, people close to me going through a hard time...I know God is more powerful than any of those circumstances & He HAS overcome them. But history shows that these things also mean that MY GOD is up to somethin' good! I don't know if this will be a personal, spiritual victory or if it will be more corporate...I have some ideas of areas God is going to prove to, of course, be huge & amazing...but not certian yet. I am more than willing to persevere & wait to see. In the meantime, I will take on Daniel's example & PRAY. And then pray harder. I will seek His face. And I will look to & anticipate the answers!

"For we do not present our pleas before You because of our righteousness, but because of Your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention & act. Delay not, for Your own sake, O my God." Daniel 9:18-19

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

The Daniel stories are among my favorites in the Old Testament! It always brings me back to our Beth Moore study on Daniel, and how God always delivers us- either around the fire, through the fire, or by the fire. He is GOOD and faithful, mighty to save! Thanks for sharing, Bran. :)