
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Running Ramblings

 So I have really gotten back into running this year--I have basically been a life-long runner, with some breaks here & there, but am now fully back into running mode.  I love it.  It's my time to think, to worship, to pray, to be me, to stay healthy, to challenge myself, to ponder...& right now, most of the time I get to do it with my dog, Hunter, on my left side.  He's a good pacer :)  As we were on one of our morning runs last week, I just couldn't help but flick a couple quick pictures (always the photographer) as they just captured some of the things in my head & heart so perfectly.  In the picture to the left, the sun was so bright & it contrasted so drastically to the dark clouds coming our way.  Minutes later, we turned the corner & faced the sun, the picture below, but there was no stark contrast of the dark clouds in front of us, just pure, glorious sunshine & some blue sky.  I was reminded of Psalm 30:5...'though sorrow may last for now, His joy will come again...' (my version on that morning).  I was reminded of times when I would look up or around me & see nothing but some big, dark, ugly clouds.

But eventually, maybe not minutes like I'd hope, I would 'turn the corner' & be given a glorious face-full of sunshine & some blue sky coming through.  I am thankful for both times--I don't mean to sound super spiritual, but I truly am.  The Lord allows those times in my life when the dark clouds are surrounding me...I have been there in those times, but so has He...right there with me.  And He allows the times when I am fully facing some good weather, and He is there with me.  Like in Psalm 139--no matter where I go, He is there.  He is just as good in the stark contrast of dark clouds as He is when giving me a face full of sun.  He is really, really good.  Here is the other thing I was thinking about on this particular run:  as far as running form is good to lift your chin a little bit so that you are looking at the horizon, not just at the ground the whole time.  For one, it straightens out your body & allows you to run for efficiently & is better for your body, better alignment.  And for another, I would completely miss out on these awesome views if I didn't lift my vision, even just this slightest bit.  I would completely miss them if I was focused totally on the ground below me.  It's good to 'lift my chin' to what God is doing around me & not miss out on it just because I am so focused on what I am doing, or looking down because I am worried or doubtful or hurting or matter if it's a 'darker' or 'lighter' time...He is working & I don't want to miss out on it.  He is worth my sight to the horizon, to what He is doing--because His Word is will come.  He most certainly is not worried about those big, ugly, dark colds...neither should I be. 
"Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you."
(Psalm 139:12)

One of the Greatest Questions I've Ever Been Asked

I know, I see the picture of 'the ring' posted & probably think, 'yeah, this is what newly engaged couples do...she has been married for a while...?'  
Today marks 12 years ago that I got asked one of the greatest questions I've ever been asked.  And each year, I grow more thankful at the answer I gave to that question.  May 2, 2000 was a day to remember--seems like a long time ago, yet the 12 years have flown by!  Some memories seem pretty vague & foggy, but I distinctly remember sitting on a mountain in the Pattee Creek Canyon in Missoula as I had the blessing of being asked, what I believe to be, one of the most important questions in my life--
"Will you marry me?"
While our life together has had its ups & downs, joys & sorrows, good & not-so-good times...altogether wonderful though & still just really like this man (& obviously LOVE)...I am SO abundantly glad a young man named Jim wanted to ask ME to spend all those times by his side.
And of course what followed was one of the best answers I have ever given in my life.