Here is a funny truth for you: I have turned out to be kind of a computer nerd. I spend A LOT of time in front of not one, but two computers & I actually enjoy it most of the time. Then came something I never suspected or guess would be my job in a million years. I was suddenly the "media girl" at the church...yes, in charge of anything video. Self-taught. Feeling completely inadequate at times, but all the while getting faster at editing & enjoying expanding my creativity through video & media.
So I recently read this one of my favorites & causes me to wait & ponder it for a moment as I evaluate my life:
"Yet even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments."
Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger,
and abounding in steadfast love..." Joel 2:12-13
There is so much I could say about those verses, but I love one of the main points: it's a heart matter, not a matter of how you look on the outside. We can look all calm, cool, collected, put together, & great on the outside, but what does my heart look like? That is a true reflection of who I am & my character. Do the 2 match up, or are they altogether different? What's the disconnect? And this can look different depending on the day or hour!!! Anyways, what really makes me stop when I read that verse is this word: REND. Render your heart. Here comes the tie-in with my computer & video nerdedom--EVERY time when I am finished editing a video...when I have cut, razored, transitioned...made this video how I want it, have made it absolutely as good as I can so the audience I am making it for will appreciate it & like it...I export the video. Then this box comes up, every time...I see it multiple times each week:
See it?! "Rendering Media..." While in the video world, I do my best to make a great video to present to my it renders, it is making it presentable. The passage in Joel says to "render my heart"--am I doing everything I can to best present my heart to the audience it was made for? My audience of One? What I am doing to rend my heart for the Lord & make it more presentable to please Him? I'm glad I have this reminder so often during my week--a reminder to examine my heart & see if I am just concerned about the "garment" or if I am truly presenting my heart to the Lord with excellence.