
Sunday, July 12, 2009

SummerX : Cross Training

So we have been home one week from our youth summer camp, SummerX. Used to seem so far away, but as quickly as it came, quickly it was over. There is honestly not much else I would rather do for a week than be at SummerX. These students, our staff, ministering to them, serving beside my husband, walking beside the leaders, watching everyone grow & be excited for the Lord before my eyes...this is my passion. My true, God-given passion & purpose.

This was summer camp #5 for us with Emmanuel, which seems crazy! But I can honestly tell you it was the best one yet! I know I have said that the past 2 years, but they just keep getting better! And that is all God! We had an amazing group of kids & staff this year...and our speaker was just perfect, God knew who we needed & He brought us Mike Thibedeaux. I have so much to say about camp, but being home for a week now has allowed me to process some of what happened that week. Here are several things that God brought to my heart & mind through Mike or just through God speaking to me at camp:

~The love of God was given first, without need of or in response to a previous love. The cross was not God loving me back, but Him love me 1st & more...not in response to man's sin (although that is part of it), as a demonstration that there was nothing more He could give us than that...He was already perfect, but He still went through the cross.
~Sacrificial love accepts insults & does not return evil with evil. This kind of Christ-like love willingly receives insult. Return evil with good, with blessing. Think about those that are hard to love...think less about them but more about my response to them. I need to stop looking at them as the's me, I need to respond & surrender. Anyone can love someone that is easy to love.

~Like Jesus & the story of the centurion, volunteer to go the 2nd mile. Don't just do the requirement...go beyond just "doing your duty."

~I need to live that 490 Lifestyle...forgive 70 times 7. My circumstances may not change, but God can change how I deal with my circumstances. I need to do my part with the Lord, with repentence & a right heart...let Him defend me...I cannot live in a manner that contradicts my salvation in the truth of the cross...Jesus gave ALL for me to live a 490 lifestyle.

My Top 10 from Camp: (in no particular order)
1-worship...watching our students truelly worship
2-Mike Thibedeaux...our camp speaker
3-our Small Group Bible study group that I got to teach, with Tyler...
These guys seriously rock my socks off...they had such great things to say & encouraged me greatly! I just love them!

4-Andrea & I got to be the LT's (leutenant) for the Purple Tree Followers...that was our team for the games for the week. It was fun cheering them on!

5-Our Staff...they took a week off of work to minister...for that I know they have & will reep many blessings! They were each an encouragement to me & I count myself blessed to work beside each one of them.

6-My girls...I have Senior Girls...they seriously amazing me. They are my "small group" but there are other girls that I consider "mine" that mean the world to me also. I just love spending time with them...they are so fun, loving, & amazing.

7-One on one time with students...especially the walks at camp! I love hearing their hearts when I get to be with them individually.

8-Laughter...such a gift

9-Getting to be myself...people loving me for me, allowing me to be me

10-Watching God rock these students' world...shaking things up, making them think about things differently & molding them.

So, there you have it! #5 is in the records! And I loved every minute. Even if God told me some hard things...thank God He is willing to even tell me things!