Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Decade of Celebrating Jim
Thursday, November 5, 2009
See it My Way...the Faith Way
I wonder if God is trying to get me to see what He sees about something in particular...actually I know He is. Or many things. I imagine the Lord leaning in close to me so that I can see all the way down His outstretched arm until I gaze on the place where His index finger is pointing. What is God pointing out to me? I want to hear Him say, ‘ See child, would you please see this the way I do? No, not through your eyes. Through eyes of faith.’
Here is the word picture that immediately came to mind. And of course, I have pictures I took to prove it!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A letter to My Seniors
A letter to my seniors…
There is no telling what God will do in & through your life. My advice: be praying & expecting God to do something. He has done so much in my life & I wasn’t even waiting in expectation the impact to be huge. But once He made my steps firm, He just blew my mind…because He affected people just because of a willing spirit.
Risk will be involved. Don’t think for a second that living for Christ is the easy way to go. You can stay in your comfort zone & not step out in faith. You will need to try new things & risk embarrassment & failure…which none of us are a huge fan of. God is giving you the opportunity to use your gifts in ways you haven’t thought of & the results will be amazing & humbling. Because it’s not about you or from you. So check out Romans 12:1-2 from The Message…
“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”
Take these words & bury them in your heart, senior. You CAN & ARE making a difference. God says in His Word that He is looking & searching the earth for one whose heart is turned towards Him. He is looking for someone who is willing to step outside of themselves & surrender to God’s will. Will you stand up, senior? Will you put your hand up & say, “Here I am, send me”?
It could be a variety of things…starting a Bible study, book club, running for student government, being a part of a team, or just befriending someone in your class. God can & will use what you give Him. Just give Him your fish & loaves of bread (which is not much by our standard)—and watch Him multiply it.
I am so humbled by how God uses me. His favor is over it all…I am astounded how & why He would use me. Don’t underestimate what God can do with whatever you have to offer. You may feel like you have nothing to offer, but that’s not true. Pray. Ask God to help you & give you opportunities to share His love…to be His hands & feet.
My prayer for you, senior, is that when graduation comes around, you can look around & know you’ve left a positive imprint on your school & those around you…that you will have no regrets…that you will know you gave God your all & left it all on the table.
Are you all in?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
#8 Cliches
It also sounds cliché these days to say that I married my best friend. Again, this is what you should be able to say right? Why would you marry someone you aren’t also best friends with? This also would come from a sincere heart for me. And the fact is, so many married couples are not really even friends. Sure, they may love their mate…but do they even LIKE them? Do they really like spending quality time with their mate? This is why I feel so lucky & blessed to be able to say without a doubt that my husband is my best friend.
8 years ago today…and I am genuinely more in love with my husband, Jim, than I was on our wedding day…AND if that weren’t enough…8 years ago today, I married my best friend. I feel so spoiled & blessed to be able to say these things. Jim is incredible...he is so gifted, handsome, hilarious (I take myself too seriously sometimes), caring, sensitive to my needs, supportive & encouraging, he lifts me up in prayer, a great dad to Jesse, he loves & adores me…but most of all, he loves Jesus. Not that he is perfect or that I am meaning to set him up on some pedestal…but he is truly one of the best people I know. I respect him so much & I can honestly say he is one of my heroes. Even though we have had one of the hardest, most challenging years of our 8 years of marriage (not because of our marriage thank goodness)…we are coming out loving each other more & are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Only God can do something great like that!
August 11, 2001
Rehearsal Night
Our wedding day, as wonderful as it was, is nothing in comparison to the marriage the Lord has given us. Jim & I have so much to be thankful for...and although I am thankful for him every day, today I am especially thankful!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
SummerX : Cross Training
4-Andrea & I got to be the LT's (leutenant) for the Purple Tree Followers...that was our team for the games for the week. It was fun cheering them on!
5-Our Staff...they took a week off of work to minister...for that I know they have & will reep many blessings! They were each an encouragement to me & I count myself blessed to work beside each one of them.
6-My girls...I have Senior Girls...they seriously amazing me. They are my "small group" but there are other girls that I consider "mine" that mean the world to me also. I just love spending time with them...they are so fun, loving, & amazing.
7-One on one time with students...especially the walks at camp! I love hearing their hearts when I get to be with them individually.
8-Laughter...such a gift
9-Getting to be myself...people loving me for me, allowing me to be me
10-Watching God rock these students' world...shaking things up, making them think about things differently & molding them.
So, there you have it! #5 is in the records! And I loved every minute. Even if God told me some hard things...thank God He is willing to even tell me things!