
Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Decade of Celebrating Jim

Today marks the 10th birthday I have celebrated with Jim...and while at first realization of that this morning made me feel a little "old" it made me feel more priveleged that anything else. I am so thankful to be celebrating my man's 29th birthday today! Or, as one of our students put it this morning...the 9th celebration of his 20th birthday! There is so much I could say about him...but he is truly a phenomenal person. He is not perfect & has his flaws, but that makes him real & I can relate to that! But I sure think the world of him! On his birthdays, I am always exceptionally grateful that I have gotten to spend another year with him...I have felt this way since he got cancer a couple months before his 25th birthday. To me, it's a 'miracle' he's is short. It can be taken like that. By the Lord's provision though, I get to celebrate him today! He is such a blessing to me & to those around him. It has been quite the year for Jim, but I have no doubt in my mind that he is right in the middle of God's will for his life--he is ministering & working with the gifts God gave him & that is an exciting thing for me to watch & be a part of.

SO...Happy Birthday Jim! Here's to a great last year as a
20-Something! So blessed to be beside you!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

See it My Way...the Faith Way

One of my favorite stories in the Bible was taught on a couple weeks ago & brought me to a new understanding of what God is trying to get me to understand. It’s the story of Joshua & when the walls of Jericho come down (Joshua 6). How the wall comes down seems so “silly” from human eyes. Marching around the city a bunch of times for a week, then the wall is going to come down because a bunch of people start shouting?!? God was telling Joshua that this battle was not going to be won with muscle, oh mighty warrior…but by faith. God even tells Joshua BEFORE the wall comes down that He is HAS ALREADY delivered Jericho into his hands. There could have been so many other battle plans…but those would have been done in human strength & wisdom. God was asking Joshua to have faith that the victory was already in his hands…not coming, but already there. Joshua had a huge choice to make. Was he going to trust God with faith with the unknown? Our insecurity tends to overwhelm us on the brink of something big. “Imagine the outstretched arm of God before Joshua as He pointed to a city already defeated is His eyes (not Joshua’s). ‘See Joshua! Look closer, My son!’ Picture Joshua squinting but nothing looks different. He rubs his eyes, still nothing. ‘No, Joshua…not with the eyes of man. Look with eyes of faith! See? See it My way! It’s already accomplished. Just go get it, Son.’ And as Joshua looked with eyes of faith, he saw. Then conquered.”
I wonder if God is trying to get me to see what He sees about something in particular...actually I know He is. Or many things. I imagine the Lord leaning in close to me so that I can see all the way down His outstretched arm until I gaze on the place where His index finger is pointing. What is God pointing out to me? I want to hear Him say, ‘ See child, would you please see this the way I do? No, not through your eyes. Through eyes of faith.’
Here is the word picture that immediately came to mind. And of course, I have pictures I took to prove it!

This is Jim, with our dog, Hunter. He is Jim's bird dog. His pride & joy. In these shots, Jim has thrown a 'bumper' for Hunter to retrieve...each time the dog didn't know exactly where it landed. So Jim leans down right next to his dog's head & points to the target. The goal is for Hunter to look down his master's arm to see where his index finger is aiming. Then he is sent, to retrieve, or 'conquer' the bumper. I realize I am biased, but this a perfect picture to me of what God asked Joshua to do & what He is asking me to do too.
I really want to "get" what God is trying to point out to me. I REALLY want to see situations through eyes of faith, especially those circumstances that leave me confused & doubtful.
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
So, as Joshua finally saw through eyes of faith, although the wall hadn't come down yet, that it was down in God's eyes...and as Hunter is sent out on the retrieve even though he doesn't know exactly where the bumper is, he is still trusting where his trainer is sending him, because he has faith in his master. Even though 'I' can't see it...I'm choosing to look down the outstretched arm of my Master in hope, convinced I will see in faith how He wants me to see.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


So a couple weeks ago we were with some dear friends & my good friend Mark asked me a question that was a great question, but really made me think & I have continued to ponder his inquiry. It was along these lines..."Brandi, obviously you love what you do...but if you could be doing anything else (like as far as work, profession) then what would you do with your life? Hhmmm...interesting. He was correct in saying, 'obviously' since it is obvious to those who know me well that I love what I do. I really do LOVE what I do. I get the privelage of doing ministry full time, 24/7. While it can have it's down-sides, they are by no means deal breakers & only effect me very little. It is such a joy to work for the Lord. I wear many hats in ministry & I love them all for different reasons. I would never trade what I do. But, if then what...well, I have my degree in Social preference of what else I would do with my life...I would still be working with teenagers, they are my passion...and it would be in a group-home, shelter type situation & I would love to involve counseling in that as well. It's funny that what I see myself doing outside of what I am involves so much of what I already do. That is how I am affirmed that this is God's call on my life.

10 years ago, as a new believer, I would have NEVER guessed this is what I would be doing. But there is nothing I would rather be doing. I thank God every day for placing me in this position. Even when it's hard. Because I am deeply involved with people (mostly young people) & the hard thing about being so involved in their being so involved in their lives. It can be consuming. But it's what I do, part of who I am. It is my passion. And I am glad I don't have to be chasing after something I would rather be doing...there is no if then what.

Below is just a sample collage of why I do what I do.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A letter to My Seniors

I am so blessed to serve in Student Ministries. There is no where I would rather "be." I have the privelage of leading a Small Group of Senior Girls. Oh my goodness, they are incredible! They blow my mind. They bless my socks off. I love investing in these girls & doing life with them. I honestly take time with them whenever I get the chance...I genuinely LOVE being with them & love them period. Then the other half...the Senior This is a group of amazing young men led by a great mentor & leader. This group of seniors we have is uniquely special to me. I am grateful for them beyond words. They are each a gift from God. God has amazing things stored up for their future's...they are each so talented. So I was writing them a letter & thought I would share. Honestly...if you are a part of Emmanuel...if you have not met these awesome young leaders, you need to.

A letter to my seniors…

There is no telling what God will do in & through your life. My advice: be praying & expecting God to do something. He has done so much in my life & I wasn’t even waiting in expectation the impact to be huge. But once He made my steps firm, He just blew my mind…because He affected people just because of a willing spirit.
Risk will be involved. Don’t think for a second that living for Christ is the easy way to go. You can stay in your comfort zone & not step out in faith. You will need to try new things & risk embarrassment & failure…which none of us are a huge fan of. God is giving you the opportunity to use your gifts in ways you haven’t thought of & the results will be amazing & humbling. Because it’s not about you or from you. So check out Romans 12:1-2 from The Message…
“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

Take these words & bury them in your heart, senior. You CAN & ARE making a difference. God says in His Word that He is looking & searching the earth for one whose heart is turned towards Him. He is looking for someone who is willing to step outside of themselves & surrender to God’s will. Will you stand up, senior? Will you put your hand up & say, “Here I am, send me”?
It could be a variety of things…starting a Bible study, book club, running for student government, being a part of a team, or just befriending someone in your class. God can & will use what you give Him. Just give Him your fish & loaves of bread (which is not much by our standard)—and watch Him multiply it.
I am so humbled by how God uses me. His favor is over it all…I am astounded how & why He would use me. Don’t underestimate what God can do with whatever you have to offer. You may feel like you have nothing to offer, but that’s not true. Pray. Ask God to help you & give you opportunities to share His love…to be His hands & feet.
My prayer for you, senior, is that when graduation comes around, you can look around & know you’ve left a positive imprint on your school & those around you…that you will have no regrets…that you will know you gave God your all & left it all on the table.

Are you all in?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

#8 Cliches

It sounds so cliché when you say you are more in love with your mate now than the day you married them…like that is what you should say. But I mean it genuinely when I say it. Then I realize that many married couples honestly could not say that, even if they wanted to or felt like they should. That is why I don’t take my amazing marriage for granted, at least I try my hardest not to…because besides becoming a Christ-follower, being married is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
It also sounds cliché these days to say that I married my best friend. Again, this is what you should be able to say right? Why would you marry someone you aren’t also best friends with? This also would come from a sincere heart for me. And the fact is, so many married couples are not really even friends. Sure, they may love their mate…but do they even LIKE them? Do they really like spending quality time with their mate? This is why I feel so lucky & blessed to be able to say without a doubt that my husband is my best friend.
8 years ago today…and I am genuinely more in love with my husband, Jim, than I was on our wedding day…AND if that weren’t enough…8 years ago today, I married my best friend. I feel so spoiled & blessed to be able to say these things. Jim is incredible...he is so gifted, handsome, hilarious (I take myself too seriously sometimes), caring, sensitive to my needs, supportive & encouraging, he lifts me up in prayer, a great dad to Jesse, he loves & adores me…but most of all, he loves Jesus. Not that he is perfect or that I am meaning to set him up on some pedestal…but he is truly one of the best people I know. I respect him so much & I can honestly say he is one of my heroes. Even though we have had one of the hardest, most challenging years of our 8 years of marriage (not because of our marriage thank goodness)…we are coming out loving each other more & are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Only God can do something great like that!

So, this is a tribute to my amazing man...the man I get the pleasure of spending my life with!

More in love with you now more than ever!

August 11, 2001

Rehearsal Night

Our wedding day, as wonderful as it was, is nothing in comparison to the marriage the Lord has given us. Jim & I have so much to be thankful for...and although I am thankful for him every day, today I am especially thankful!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

SummerX : Cross Training

So we have been home one week from our youth summer camp, SummerX. Used to seem so far away, but as quickly as it came, quickly it was over. There is honestly not much else I would rather do for a week than be at SummerX. These students, our staff, ministering to them, serving beside my husband, walking beside the leaders, watching everyone grow & be excited for the Lord before my eyes...this is my passion. My true, God-given passion & purpose.

This was summer camp #5 for us with Emmanuel, which seems crazy! But I can honestly tell you it was the best one yet! I know I have said that the past 2 years, but they just keep getting better! And that is all God! We had an amazing group of kids & staff this year...and our speaker was just perfect, God knew who we needed & He brought us Mike Thibedeaux. I have so much to say about camp, but being home for a week now has allowed me to process some of what happened that week. Here are several things that God brought to my heart & mind through Mike or just through God speaking to me at camp:

~The love of God was given first, without need of or in response to a previous love. The cross was not God loving me back, but Him love me 1st & more...not in response to man's sin (although that is part of it), as a demonstration that there was nothing more He could give us than that...He was already perfect, but He still went through the cross.
~Sacrificial love accepts insults & does not return evil with evil. This kind of Christ-like love willingly receives insult. Return evil with good, with blessing. Think about those that are hard to love...think less about them but more about my response to them. I need to stop looking at them as the's me, I need to respond & surrender. Anyone can love someone that is easy to love.

~Like Jesus & the story of the centurion, volunteer to go the 2nd mile. Don't just do the requirement...go beyond just "doing your duty."

~I need to live that 490 Lifestyle...forgive 70 times 7. My circumstances may not change, but God can change how I deal with my circumstances. I need to do my part with the Lord, with repentence & a right heart...let Him defend me...I cannot live in a manner that contradicts my salvation in the truth of the cross...Jesus gave ALL for me to live a 490 lifestyle.

My Top 10 from Camp: (in no particular order)
1-worship...watching our students truelly worship
2-Mike Thibedeaux...our camp speaker
3-our Small Group Bible study group that I got to teach, with Tyler...
These guys seriously rock my socks off...they had such great things to say & encouraged me greatly! I just love them!

4-Andrea & I got to be the LT's (leutenant) for the Purple Tree Followers...that was our team for the games for the week. It was fun cheering them on!

5-Our Staff...they took a week off of work to minister...for that I know they have & will reep many blessings! They were each an encouragement to me & I count myself blessed to work beside each one of them.

6-My girls...I have Senior Girls...they seriously amazing me. They are my "small group" but there are other girls that I consider "mine" that mean the world to me also. I just love spending time with them...they are so fun, loving, & amazing.

7-One on one time with students...especially the walks at camp! I love hearing their hearts when I get to be with them individually.

8-Laughter...such a gift

9-Getting to be myself...people loving me for me, allowing me to be me

10-Watching God rock these students' world...shaking things up, making them think about things differently & molding them.

So, there you have it! #5 is in the records! And I loved every minute. Even if God told me some hard things...thank God He is willing to even tell me things!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SO Proud!

I had the blessing of celebrating a college graduation with 2 very dear friends this weekend.  To say I am so proud of them would be a gross understatement, but I am so, SO proud of them!  

Kristy JOY is one of a kind...amazing, beautiful, gifted, sweet, funny, JOYFUL...and she encourages me so much.  I have spent 4 years with Kristy...she got here when I did basically!  We have spent that time laughing, crying, ministering, encouraging...walking through life together.  She has served in our student ministry for these 4 years & has been loyal & unwavering.  She has been with her small group girls since Day 1 as 7th two weeks, they will be Juniors!  She is so faithful.  She loves God SO much & you can see it.  She is a very dear friend & sister to me.  To add to that...she loves on & encourages my guys greatly...Jim & Jesse's lives are richer because of her too.  I had the privelage of acting as a ministry coach for her degree...which also means I got to brag on her througout a bunch of evaluations too...and I got to nominate her for the Christian Leadership which she won that honor (this is the first year YBC has done this...she is the first recipient of this honor & to have her name on the plaque that will go in their new library).  I just can't say enough about this girl...except that I am beyond excited & thankful that she is staying here in Billings!!!  I get the blessing of continueing to minister with & to her!!!  What a great thing!

Andrea...what a beautiful girl!  I have spent the last 2 years with her, which has flown by.  She is tender-hearted & sweet...very gifted as hard working.  Even when everything is NOT going the way she would want...she always turned in to Christ as an opportunity.  She loves God & is quite humble.  She exudes a maturity beyond her years.  She has also been so faithful with working with our students & has had a great impact on them as well.  It was a joyous, yet sad occasion to watch her graduate...because I also had to say goodbye.  She has moved back to Michigan already...but with promise that she will be back...just needs to take this step to take care of business, so to speak.  It hurt my heart to say goodbye to her...she will be deeply missed.

Even just writing about these girls puts tears in my life is better because of them & what a blessing these sisters of mine are to me!